Poor House

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Mary Ann McCracken And The Poor House


Here is a taster of the event held in Clifton House to celebrate International Women's Day 2016. The Ladies Committee was set up on March 1824.  The initial Minutes made the following statement; “The Ladies forming this Committee respectfully submit this proposal, to the Committee of Gentlemen, in the hope of obtaining their approbation and support to enable them to effect their object; And beg most earnestly to assure them, that there shall be no interference whatever with any of their managements and regulations.” I'm sure they meant it at the time. The ladies worked diligently and assisted the men’s committee [...]

Mary Ann McCracken And The Poor House2020-06-16T14:58:36+00:00

Tales From The Archive


I found this letter this morning tucked into one of our Children’s Admission Books.  William John Delaney was admitted to the Poor House on 12th December 1876.  His case was considered on 9th December 1876 despite a motion being raised to suspend all child admissions due to lack of funds.  The motion was defeated and twelve children were admitted which included William’s sister Sarah Jane Delaney. Sarah Jane was aged 12 ⅔ according to the Admission book.  No reason is given in either the Minutes or the Admission Book as to why it was necessary for Sarah Jane and William to [...]

Tales From The Archive2020-06-16T14:59:14+00:00
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