New Burying Ground; Belfast Poor House; Belfast Charitable Society

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Museum Week


‪#‎Museumweek‬ is a fantastic opportunity to explore the artefacts and documents we have at Clifton House. The New Burying Ground (Clifton Street Cemetery) had two benefits for the Poor House as it gave them somewhere to bury their dead and also provided a revenue from the plots which they sold. They were also able to make money from selling coffins. Some of the men of the Poor House were tasked with providing coffins for the residents of Belfast who otherwise would not have been able to afford them. In 1827 they made 336 coffins and these numbers were higher during times [...]

Museum Week2020-06-16T14:57:37+00:00

The New Burying Ground & Belfast Charitable Society Archive


On Friday 3rd March 1779 The New Burying Ground was formally announced to the public.  “The Public are now informed that the Burying Ground near the Poor House is now ready, and that Messers. Robert Stevenson, William Clark, and John Caldwell are appointed to agree with such persons who wish to take lots.”[1] It was primarily set up as a means to raise funds for the Charitable Society by providing a steady income.  Initially all plots had to be purchased but by April 1799 the committee agreed to set some of the ground aside “for interring such poor persons as may [...]

The New Burying Ground & Belfast Charitable Society Archive2016-02-03T12:56:03+00:00
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