The Poor House was requisitioned by the military during the 1798 Rebellion and for time afterwards. The Committee were forced to meet in the Exchange Building and other premises during this period. In March 1799 a letter was received from the Inspector General of Barracks.
Belfast 4th Mar: 1799
I hereby give notice that the
Poor House occupied at present by His
Majestys Troops will be given up on
the first of May June next- There being no
further occasion for it as a Barrack.
I have the Honor to be
Your most obedient
Humble servant
John Hughes
Inspr. Genl. Of BarrKs-
The Governors of
The Poor House Belfast
They were allowed to enter the Poor House as promised the following year, but they faced another challenge in how to fund their work. On this day (19 September) 1800 Belfast Charitable Society organised a public meeting in the Assembly Rooms to draw attention to the lack of funds and the threat to the ‘very existence of the institution’. Thankfully, adequate funding was found and the Poor House continued to support the most disadvantaged in society.