Belfast Charitable Society and the Provision of Water
Belfast Charitable Society and the Provision of Water When Clifton House first opened its [...]
Calling all food and craft traders
Calling all food and craft traders On Sunday 1st September, Clifton House, and its grounds, [...]
Medical History of the Poorhouse
Medical History of the Poorhouse From the very beginning of the poorhouse, Belfast Charitable [...]
Belfast Charitable Society highlights the challenges facing refugees today
Now in its 250th year, Clifton House, home of Belfast Charitable Society (BCS) and [...]
The catastrophic consequences of cuts in Education discussed at Clifton House
“Catastrophic”; “Detrimental”; “Widening attainment gaps”; “Neglect”; “Disrepair”; “Breaking point”. These words echoed around the [...]
AUDIO: Clifton House and Its Early Development, with Marcus Patton
AUDIO: Clifton House and Its Early Development, with Marcus Patton This year marks 250 [...]
“Made of Belfast”- 250 years of the Belfast Poorhouse
“Made of Belfast”- 250 years of the Belfast Poorhouse Allegedly sketched on the back [...]
President of Belfast Charitable Society officially introduces start of 250th Anniversary
President of Belfast Charitable Society officially introduces start of 250th Anniversary 2024 is an [...]