External Talks and Tours

Private Talks

Are you a member of a local history society, U3A, PROBUS group or similar organisation? Then why not consider having a talk delivered by one of our expert team? Clifton House have developed twelve historical talks, based on original research in the vast archive we hold dating back to 1752, which can be delivered in person or via zoom to your group, event or organisation.

See the full list of topics below. If you are interested in organising a talk, please contact us. 


Private Tours

In addition to our weekly weekend tours, Clifton House can also cater for private tours of the building and/ or Clifton Street Cemetery for your organisation or group.  If you are interested in booking a private tour, please use the form below to provide us with some essential details.

Fill the details of your private tour request below.

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Your Telephone Number*

    Date for tour*

    Time For Tour*

    Number of people on the tour*

    Comments/ Questions:

    Note: * Required Field