Plots & Plotters: Belfast Charitable Society and the 1798 Rebellion Online Talk
April 7, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Explore the history of the reformers & rebels who made the Belfast Charitable Society a “hotbed of radical activity” in the 1790s in this virtual talk. Hear about the Joys, McCrackens, McCabe & Cunningham who were on opposing sides of the 1798 United Irishmen Rebellion & how the Charitable Society, and its members, emerged from it, including Dr James Campbell White who went into exile in the United States.
Numbers for these hour-long sessions will be limited to allow for a Q&A session at the end. The Zoom meeting login to join the talk will be emailed to you on the morning of the event, please ignore any QR code/ bar code which may be automatically generated by Paypal.
The price of the ticket is per device.
Please note that we are hosting this talk each evening at 6pm on 7th-9th April. For other dates please visit the ‘What’s on’ section of the website.
Clifton House is the social enterprise of Belfast Charitable Society which continues to address disadvantage in Belfast and beyond today.