Doctors & Disease: The Medical History of the Poor House Online Talk
August 14, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Explore the medical history of the Poor House as recorded in our archives, from the different medical establishments we supported, to the patients and the doctors who treated them. The talk will examine the Poor House response to the epidemics of the 19th century and will include the biographies of key medical professionals associated with Clifton House, from Dr William Drennan, through to the 1798 American exile Dr White and the Purdon medical dynasty.
This virtual live talk will be facilitated by our knowledgeable staff and volunteers using Zoom. Numbers for these hour-long sessions will be limited to allow for Q&A sessions at the end. The Meeting ID to join the online tour will be sent out the morning of the talk.
Clifton House is the social enterprise of Belfast Charitable Society who continue to address disadvantage in Belfast and beyond today.