Monthly Archives: January 2022


Belfast’s oldest Charity celebrates 270 Years


On Wednesday 26th January 2022 the Belfast Charitable Society hosted their 250th AGM, and celebrated 270 years, with a special online event featuring Sir Ronnie Weatherup, President of the Society, and Dr Éamon Phoenix, notable local historian. Through a fascinating conversation, Sir Ronnie and Dr Phoenix examined Belfast’s oldest charity through its buildings, people and influence across the centuries. Belfast Charitable Society was officially established in 1752 by a group of local merchants and burgesses (councillors). After closing up their businesses and homes, nineteen of these gentlemen made their way to the George Inn at the corner of North Street and [...]

Belfast’s oldest Charity celebrates 270 Years2022-01-28T11:31:43+00:00

Thomas McCabe: Philanthropist, Abolitionist & United Irishman


Thomas McCabe was an active member of Belfast Charitable Society and a United Irishman. Thomas was a goldsmith and a watch maker by trade, based in North Street. His house, ‘The Vicinage’ stood on the site of St Malachy’s College on the Antrim Road. Aspects of the Ulster movement of the United Irishmen Rebellion were said to have been planned in his home. Along with Robert Joy he bought cotton looms for the ‘inmates’ of the Poor House to train on. Yet it was the welfare of slaves, thousands of miles away which sparked dissension on the Board. Waddell Cunningham wanted [...]

Thomas McCabe: Philanthropist, Abolitionist & United Irishman2022-01-21T13:57:24+00:00
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