Monthly Archives: November 2021


#OnThisDay 1882: The last child leaves the Poor House


From the 1870s children gradually began to leave the Poor House. Some of the children returned to their families, some went to the Presbyterian Orphan Society, others were apprenticed, and at least one went to the Industrial School. The school equipment in the Poor House was sold; the musical instruments went to the Malone Reformatory and the surplus clothing went to Mr Henderson’s Boys’ House with one of the boys. The school mistress was given £80 and some articles of furniture for her services to the children. By November 1882, provision had been made for the last children of the Poor [...]

#OnThisDay 1882: The last child leaves the Poor House2021-11-30T09:49:08+00:00

Mary Ann McCracken Foundation highlights the plight of women living in Afghanistan


Mary Ann McCracken Foundation highlights the plight of women living in Afghanistan On Thursday 18th November, the Mary Ann McCracken Foundation hosted its inaugural annual lecture, focusing on the challenges facing Afghan women. Many of us have watched in horror as events in Afghanistan have unfolded. Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to flee, fearing for their lives and escaping conflict. Speaking at the event was Dr Sima Nazari, a successful Afghan doctor who was forced to leave her home country following death threats from the Taliban. Sima shared the heart-breaking story of having to leave a job she [...]

Mary Ann McCracken Foundation highlights the plight of women living in Afghanistan2021-11-22T23:06:16+00:00

Social Enterprise Day 2021: Past & Present


What is a social enterprise? A social enterprise is like any other business in that it works to deliver goods and services to make a profit. The difference is that they are driven by their social and environmental purposes and any profit made is reinvested towards achieving these purposes. Today, the government defines social enterprises as “businesses with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for shareholders and owners.” The term social enterprise was first coined in 1953 and has [...]

Social Enterprise Day 2021: Past & Present2021-11-12T10:02:18+00:00
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