Monthly Archives: May 2021

Physician, Poet & Patriot: Dr William Drennan born on this day 1754


On 23 May 1754 Anne Drennan née Lennox gave birth to her youngest son, William Drennan. Anne was the wife of the Rev Thomas Drennan, minister of the First Presbyterian Church, Belfast, and William was born in its manse. William Drennan would grow up to become a renowned physician, poet and patriot. Due to the Penal Codes limiting access to third level education in Ireland, many Presbyterian ‘sons of the manse’, such as William, attended university in Scotland. He studied arts in Glasgow (1772) and completed his medical studies in Edinburgh (1778). Dr Drennan was heavily influenced by enlightenment ideas and [...]

Physician, Poet & Patriot: Dr William Drennan born on this day 17542021-05-24T08:12:37+00:00

A Woman of Our Times: Mary Ann McCracken at 250


A number of the city’s key heritage and cultural institutions have come together to mark 250 years since the birth of one of Belfast’s most important citizens the abolitionist, philanthropist and reformer, Mary Ann McCracken. The Mary Ann McCracken Foundation, in partnership with Clifton House, National Museums Northern Ireland, Linen Hall Library, Reclaim the Enlightenment and the Frances Hutcheson Institute, has created a unique series of events to mark the occasion. The diverse programme will tell the story of Mary Ann McCracken – who she was and what she achieved. The series will also link her legacy to current issues including [...]

A Woman of Our Times: Mary Ann McCracken at 2502021-05-12T19:09:37+00:00
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