Monthly Archives: January 2021


Hard hitting talk on the Legacies of Slavery officially launches the Mary Ann McCracken Foundation


Mary Ann McCracken Foundation officially launched “Powerful”, “piercing”, “disturbing”, “compelling” and “demanding”, just some of the testimonies about Professor David Olosuga’s key note speech on launching of the Mary Ann McCracken Foundation last night (Wednesday 20th January). Over 400 people tuned in to hear the talk on the ‘Legacies of Slavery’, something which David said was “about having a grown-up approach to history. It’s never simple and it’s certainly never neat, and what it is, is morally complicated”. The launch of the foundation was the first step in celebrating the life of Mary Ann McCracken, and to build on her legacy. Although [...]

Hard hitting talk on the Legacies of Slavery officially launches the Mary Ann McCracken Foundation2021-01-21T17:49:35+00:00

January- April 2021 Talks & Tours now available to book online


Happy New Year to everyone! We are delighted to announce that our virtual talks and tours  for January- April 2021 are now live to book via our website. The calendar kicks off with the Official Launch of the Mary Ann McCracken Foundation with the BAFTA award winning broadcaster and historian, Professor David Olusoga speaking on the legacies of slavery. For more information and to book click here. Our virtual Friday talks exploring the multifaceted history of the Poor House, its Board and the residents who sought sanctuary within its walls, will begin on 22nd January and run every Friday at 1pm. [...]

January- April 2021 Talks & Tours now available to book online2021-01-14T12:19:00+00:00
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