Monthly Archives: October 2018


The Search for Lt. Patrick Kerr Dixon’s Family: Can you help?


Royal Garrison Artillery Cadets, the figure steeping forward is believed to be Patrick Kerr Dixon. This image was sent home as a postcard to his parents. Clifton House recently discovered a series of over 180 letters from Lt. Patrick Dixon to his parents and sister amongst other family papers. Thanks to our volunteer Jim Ferran, and Clare Tuohy who got in contact when the story broke, we have been able to piece together more of his life. Do you know of the family? Are you related? We would love to hear from you! Patrick Kerr Dixon After the war, [...]

The Search for Lt. Patrick Kerr Dixon’s Family: Can you help?2018-10-23T12:57:35+00:00

North Belfast Built Heritage Reveals a Great Place


Great Place North Belfast, a 3 year North Belfast Heritage Cluster project focusing on a range of built heritage assets along a one mile stretch from Donegall Street to Crumlin Rd as part of a regeneration led cultural plan has officially started. The project is supported by National Lottery funding via the Heritage Lottery Fund’s Great Place Scheme and additional support from Belfast Charitable Society.Pictured at an event to mark the start of the project at Clifton House, one of the project’s built heritage assets were, from left, Pleasuance Perry from cluster member Society of Friends, Paula Reynolds from Belfast [...]

North Belfast Built Heritage Reveals a Great Place2018-10-19T09:00:51+00:00

Great War Letters Unearthed in Clifton House: Lieutenant Patrick Kerr Dixon, Royal Garrison Artillery


A selection of Patrick's letters and other ephemera he sent back from the front line to his parents and sister in Dublin. The Belfast Charitable Society at Clifton House, whilst preparing for its autumn series of lectures, has uncovered a suitcase of letters and material from the Great War relating to the Dixon family of Dublin. What has been uncovered is over 180 letters, most in pristine condition, which tell the story of an Irish Officer’s life at the front during WW1 and his correspondence with his parents in upper middle class Dublin. Paula Reynolds, CEO of the Belfast [...]

Great War Letters Unearthed in Clifton House: Lieutenant Patrick Kerr Dixon, Royal Garrison Artillery2018-10-18T15:46:24+00:00

Mary West, abandoned child


The year 1818 was one of famine, fever and poverty. The conditions in the town drove many people to desperate actions in order to survive. Mr Mills, Church Warden, reported to the Belfast Charitable Society about an usual occurrence a few days before in October 1818. The minutes record: “a rap came to his door and it being opened by his servant a child of about 2 years of age walked in with her name pinned to her back, Mary West.  He states that he applied to the gentlemen appointed by the Parish to take care of foundling children but they [...]

Mary West, abandoned child2018-10-10T08:38:33+00:00

Clifton House welcomes delegates from the World Health Organisation Healthy Cities Conference


The home of Belfast’s original Poor House, Clifton House, was the focus for further discussions in conjunction with the World Health Organisation (WHO) Healthy Cities Conference in Belfast on Wednesday 3rd October. Attendees of the conference took the time to visit this historic building and to learn about the origins of health in the city of Belfast and the Belfast Charitable Society’s instrumental role in the improvement of public health services throughout the years. Not simply satisfied with opening the town's first hospital in 1774 the Society were also responsible for bringing water into Belfast establishing the first chemist, Belfast's first [...]

Clifton House welcomes delegates from the World Health Organisation Healthy Cities Conference2018-10-03T16:25:23+00:00

Clifton House Lecture Series returns!


Following on from our successful Spring Lecture Series, the Belfast Charitable Society are proud to announce that a second Autumn Series has been confirmed. The series is entitled 'Shared History & Contested Events' examining some of the key personalities and events in the centenary year of Armistice Day and the pivitol 1918 General Election. The first in which women had a vote. The lectures will be delivered by authorities on this period: 18 October: 'Lord Carson of Duncairn: From Irish Unionist to Ulster Defender' - Dr Éamon Phoenix (Political Historian and Broadcaster) 25 October: Joseph Devlin (1871-1934)- Jim McDermott (Local Historian) [...]

Clifton House Lecture Series returns!2018-10-03T09:31:37+00:00

Belfast Charitable Society set to give Belfast Tourism a Boost


Belfast Charitable Society is set to give Belfast’s tourism industry a boost as it launches Northern Ireland’s first White Badge accredited tour guide training, which has been made possible through the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund. Raising the professional standards of tour guides in Belfast and beyond, Belfast Charitable Society has been named as the first heritage site in Northern Ireland to receive this prestigious qualification, enabling it to train others and offer a culturally rich and informative experience for those visiting Belfast’s oldest public building, Clifton House. Accredited by the Institute of Tourist Guiding, this qualification is required by [...]

Belfast Charitable Society set to give Belfast Tourism a Boost2018-10-02T15:43:21+00:00

On this day 1768 construction began on the Poor House


unknown artist; John Kennedy of Cultra (1746-1801); National Museums Northern Ireland The Belfast Charitable Society faced many hurdles in raising the money to build the Poor House, but by October 1768 they were in a position to start collecting material to begin construction. The Charitable Society were extremely grateful to the philanthropic individuals who continued to support the work of the Society after the initial lottery schemes had finished. On this day in October 1768 the Board sent a letter of thanks to John Kennedy Esq of Cultra for granting the society free liberty to quarry stones and lift [...]

On this day 1768 construction began on the Poor House2018-10-01T08:03:17+00:00
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